In Freedom Tattoo, we use professional tattoo equipment and top of the line tattoo ink imported from North America and Europe. We highly emphasis the importance of sanitation of our shop to make sure the health and safety of our customers, therefore we only uses disposal needles and we process professional disinfection equipment. We strictly follow the act of “Class B” of professional health and hygiene standard from North America’s health department.
To ensure the highest quality of works, all our tattoo artists offer the service to design custom tattoo for our customers to fit everyone’s need.
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本店選用最先進紋身器材,使用最高級歐美進口彩色顏料(持久性特長,顏色鮮艷奪目),設有專業的消毒房間及器具,選用一次性針咀及針,用完即棄,以確保各類紋身儀器處於無菌潔淨態。本店謹遵美國醫務衛生局對專業紋身店衛生指引守則 “Class B” 的指定,以確保顧客在一個衛生及安全的環境下安心接受我們的服務。

The annual Hong Kong China International Tattoo Exhibition will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai from 4 to 6 October (Friday to Sunday) featuring over 100 tattoo artists worldwide under one roof.

Time Out Recommended
The campaign - Time Out Recommended - aims to provide visitors and Time Out readers with a local insider's guide to the best places to eat, drink, shop, and visit so that they can experience the very best of Hong Kong. For 2022, the team of expert critics and writers have identified our business as one of the city's best establishments.
「Time Out 推薦」活動旨在為遊客和 Time Out 讀者提供當地最佳餐飲、購物和參觀地點的內幕指南,讓他們體驗香港的精華。 2022 年,專業評論團隊將我們的店舖確定為本地最好的機構之一。

rated as Top 5 tattoo shops in hong kong
HAPPY HONG KONGERS bringing you reviews on the best products and services in Hong Kong.
HAPPY HONG KONGERS 為您帶來香港最好的產品和服務的評論。
Our studio 地址
Room B3A, 10/F, Luen Ming Hing Factory Building, 36 Mok Cheong Street, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong
GABE SHUM - Founder 創辦人
With over 30 years of experience in tattooing and celebrity names under the belt like David Beckham and Lebron James, Gabe Shum is one of the most inspired and legendary tattooists to the stars when it comes to needles & ink and is the only founder of Hong Kong China International Tattoo Convention. Gabe is a talented tattoo lover who has a variety of tattoo styles. With his deep artistic background and genius talent in developing tattoo equipment, he has been invited as consulting designer by many international tattoo supply companies.
Gabe opened Freedom Tattoo Hong Kong in 2000, a 4,000sq ft. tattoo studio. In acknowledgement of Gabe’s tremendous talent and integrity in his art, he has been invited for many collaborative projects by international well-renowned brands like Nike, Vans, MCM, DC, EVISU, Dr. Martin, Royal Electric, Acupuncture, Givenchy, K-11 & Thermos. At the same time, Gabe has also been invited as a senior judge by multi-national tattoo conventions and companies as speaker on tattoo machine technology. He has trained countless tattoo artists over the years and has many followers.
Gabe Shum從事紋身工作三十餘年,是香港中國國際紋身展的唯一創辦人,被譽為香港首席紋身大師。他的坐上客包括來自世界各地的名人明星如英國球星貝克漢姆、美國籃球明星勒布朗・詹姆斯等等。Gabe的紋身風格多元化性強,美術工底深厚,是研發紋身儀器的天才。他被多個國際紋身器材品牌邀請為設計師顧問,是一位才華橫溢的紋身愛好者。
Gabe於2000年在香港創立了一所面積達4,000平方英尺的紋身工作室「飛騰刺青」。 Gabe的藝術才華更吸引了多個國際品牌邀請合作如Nike, Vans, MCM, DC, EVISU, Dr. Martin, Royal Electric, Acupuncture, Givenchy, K-11 & Thermos等等。同時Gabe亦被多國紋身展邀請為高級評委及多國邀請為紋身機技術講師,多年來培訓出無數紋身師,追隨者眾多。